THE BIFF INTERNATIONAL TROPHY. What a great start of the year! I am very proud to announce that I am the winner of the BIFF Trophy in the category BEST SOUNDTRACK for the score to “La Línea Imaginaria” at the annual Bristol Independent Film Festival. The award ceremony took place on November 25-26, 2023 at the most famous independent festival in England, which is one of the highest awards for this film. The category includes feature- and short films. First of all, I would like to thank the director Owen Franklin at the award ceremony at the Bristol Aquarium, the BIFF jury, who had over 1,250 entries this year, the interview master Jamie Lowe, the organizers, including Hollie Malone, who also organized the interviews, festival accreditations and screenings of our film. And last but not least, I would like to thank my director Philip Escobar-Jung and the production company Super Seven Films, who had the courage to allow unconventional music for this film. The interview about the festival will be coming soon.