first official hollywood nomination

🏆 🇺🇸 FIRST OFFICIAL HOLLYWOOD NOMINATION. I am very proud to announce that I have received my first official Hollywood nomination at the prestigious annual NEXT GENERATION INDIE FILM AWARDS in Los Angeles. Nominated was my film score for “La LĂ­nea Imaginaria”, the 22nd award and 8th nomination for this electronic score. The winner of the evening was film composer Ros Gilman for „The Last Cloudwaever“. First of all, I would like to thank my presenter, Maritere Escobar, the director’s sister. Then I would like to thank the great gala, what a beautiful event & evening, the international jury, my nominated colleagues, the jury president, the NGIFA team, the supporters Loewe Hotel, Variety, American Filmmarket, West One Music Group, ISS Group, Santa Monica College, IAP, Rocket Panda and many other supporters who make it possible to give this award once a year. And finally, I would like to thank the entire film crew and my wonderful director Philip Escobar Jung, for making this extraordinary film go a special way this year and allowing me to be a part of it. Here you can watch at the award ceremony in Los Angeles for “Best Original Score in a Short”!

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